
Nate Bennett-Fleming
2010 Candidate for U.S. Representative (Shadow); Ward 8 Resident; Chairman: Ward 8 Democrats Issues Committee

"If our community is to be transformed, the educational system in Ward 8 needs systemic change. This change must come from the "bottom up", through grassroots organization. This is why Educate Ward 8 is so important, and the vision of its founder, Markus Batchelor, is so lucid. We must empower ourselves and come together if we are to provide opportunity to all of Ward 8's children."

"I support Educate Ward 8 because it is a vehicle to engage, educate, and equip parents, students, teachers, and community leaders to have an impact on the most important issue in our community. A student-created organization to improve education shows that our young people are ready, willing, and able to take leadership in addressing educational challenges that impact them directly."

Darrell Gaston
ANC Commissioner in Single Member District 8B03; President of Ward 8 Young Democrats

"As an ANC Commissioner, particularly the youngest Commissioner in Ward 8, i pride myself on providing education opportunities for our young people. I challenge the community parents to be more involved in their children's education and I challenge the schools to be more innovative and to begin to think outside the box. Educate Ward 8 is a project that has the ability to bring together all dimensions of this Ward for the greater need, which are our youth, young adults, and all residents of Ward 8.We Say the youth's futures are tomorrow, I say their future is today.

Now having the University of the District of Columbia's campus located in Ward 8, as well as UDC Workforce Development Program in Ward 8, we can help bring forth attention to the lack of education our community members have. We have to be one community, one neighborhood, and one ward and begin to work together, so i challenge Educate Ward 8 to continue on the great success thus far, and begin to challenge the residents of Ward to begin taking Education serious."

Jacque D. Patterson
President, Ward 8 Democrats

"Why is Educate Ward 8 so important, because right now Ward 8 has the most school age children in the city and the highest rate of unemployment!  It's important for our community to understand that "Education is an economic empowerment strategy"!  Educate Ward 8 is taking the information straight to the community!  It's engaging residents, parents and students at the grassroots; where it can make the biggest impact!  I'm excited about supporting Educate Ward 8 and look forward to working with Mr. Batchelor to empower our community through this venue.  Education is power!"